We’re (mostly) in the business of building doors. We live, breathe, sleep and eat doors. Well, not exactly “eat” them, but you catch our drift. We love iron and everything you can make with it, but we realize that not everyone is as excited as we are about doors. And perhaps that’s because you don’t know doors like we know doors. So let us explain.

    Security Screen Doors Vs. Iron Entry Doors

    In our world a security screen door is a door that’s installed over an existing door. They usually, though not always, come with some sort of screen (more on screens later). They are designed to improve the security of your existing door and can be made in any shape, size, configuration or color. Customers choose from a large catalog of designs and can mix and match aspects of any of them, or bring us a design to match an existing fence, gate or piece of art you already own. And we can even custom design it from scratch, just for you. Some people might call them storm doors, screen doors or security doors. There are subtle differences in each, but they are basically the same thing.

    An iron entry door is a door designed to replace your existing door. Iron entry doors are made from heavy gauge iron and often come with hinged glass inserts and/or removable screens. Like Security Doors they can be fabricated in any design you choose with any of a number of options like added kickplates, sidelights, transoms, door hardware and finishes. Our customization options are endless!

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